On foot! (a piedi!)
Oggi, 13 dicembre 2010, dopo 6 MESI esatti di viaggio,
mi sono separato dalla mia "black eagle"...
ebbene sì, domenica sono andato al porto di Kawasaki, ho dormito in tenda,
e alle 08:30 del mattino di lunedì, puntuale, l'ho consegnata allo yard della Kiwi Autoliners (Nippon Express),
dei trasportatori di auto usate dal Giappone verso Australia, Nuova Zelanda, Inghilterra.
Il giorno 16 la moto salperà con la Spring Wind V1 alla volta di Brisbane, dove arriverà il giorno 29.
Lì dovrò sbrigare non poche formalità doganali, gli australiani sembrano essere molto rigidi nei controlli,
infatti ho passato 3 giorni a pulire la moto dentro e fuori, l'abbiamo rigirata come un calzino! (io e Paco, il gentilissimo ragazzo coreano/giapponese che mi sta ospitando). Non avevo mai pulito una moto in tal modo, solo con il vecchio F10 ero arrivato a smontare tutto così (e oltre...) per pulire...
Ora mi aspetta la ricerca di un volo economico per l'Australia, e poi si parte per la terra dei canguri!
Questo "scherzetto" mi costerà non poco: la spedizione della moto è costosissima, la dogana australiana un'incognita (possono chiedere ispezioni aggiuntive a loro discrezione, molto costose), poi c'è l'aereo, poi c'è da vivere in Australia, dove la vita è molto cara, complice l'euro che ora è molto basso nei confronti del dollaro australiano...
E poi ho un visto di "soli" 3 mesi, turistico, quindi non potrò cercare un lavoro là (se non in nero...) perchè i visti vacanza-lavoro li danno solo fino ai 30 anni, mentre io sono un "vecchietto" ormai (no dai, almeno per altri due giorni no...)
Quindi, fra meno di tre mesi la storia si ripete, perchè io e la moto dovremo cercare un'altra strada, di nuovo: oltre al mio visto, che scadrà, la moto è importata con Carnet de Passage, come qui in Giappone. Quindi non posso, e non potrò, disfarmene, perchè trattasi di importazione temporanea, quindi come entra un mezzo deve anche uscire... In ogni caso io non voglio disfarmi della mia compagna dopo sei mesi di viaggio tutti i giorni assieme... Solo che questi orizzonti temporali finiti (anche se nettamente più ampi di quelli centroasiatici) mi mettono dei paletti che non vorrei...
L'Australia è il sogno di sempre, la terra dei canguri, dove ho sempre sognato di andare!
Ora sono eccitato, sì, ma anche un po' impaurito: non so cosa mi aspetta là, è una terra immensa, non sarà facile girarla, e non è neanche quello che voglio veramente... sono infatti un po' stanco di viaggiare e cambiare letto ogni sera; se riuscissi a fermarmi per un po' da qualche parte, magari con un lavoretto, per recuperare un po' di soldini visto che le finanze ormai sono alle strette, e un po' di energie, non sarebbe male...ma ci sono le difficoltà di cui sopra...
Sarebbe stato bello arrivarci il più possibile "via terra", come stanno facendo Ture e Claudio, cioè andare in Thailandia da qua, e poi passare in Indonesia, e avvicinarsi quanto più via terra (tra un'isola e l'altra...). Ma per fare questo occorre una grossa carica di energia, che ora sinceramente non ho: il viaggio è andato benissimo (trascurando ovviamente l'incidente di Cobra...), sono stato fortunato in molte cose (il tempo, quasi sempre bello, le persone che ho incontrato, e che mi hanno ospitato, etc.) ma è durato molto più del previsto, e ora mi ritrovo un po' a corto di energie.
Quindi si va direttamente in Australia! Alla ricerca di fortuna!
Today, December 13, 2010, after exactly SIX MONTHS travelling
I separated from my "black eagle" ...
yes, on Sunday I went to Kawasaki Port, I slept in my tent,
and at 08:30 am, on time, I delivered it to the yards of Kiwi Autoliners (Nippon Express)
a Carrier of second hand cars from Japan to Australia, New Zealand, England.
On thursday 16, the motorbike will sail with the Spring Wind V1 towards Brisbane, where it will arrive on December 29th.
There, I will have to attend to many formalities, Australian Customs seem to make very strict controls,
In fact, I spent three days cleaning the bike inside out, we turned it over like a sock! (Me and Paco, the friendly Korean / Japanese guy who is hosting me). I did never clean a bike like this, only with the old F10 I had arrived to disassemble everything (and beyond ...) to clean it...
Now I am going to search for a cheap flight to Australia, then I will go to the land of kangaroos!
This "trick" will not cost me a few: the shipment of the bike is expensive, the Australian Customs Clearance amount unknown (they may require additional inspections at their discretion, very expensive), then there's the plane, then there is to live in Australia, where life is very expensive, thanks to the euro now very low against the Australian dollar ...
And then I have a 3 months VISA "only", a tourist one, so I can not search for a job there (if not a "black" one ...) because the working-holiday VISA is given only up to 30 years, while I am an "old" boy now (not yet, at least for two days more ...)
I separated from my "black eagle" ...
yes, on Sunday I went to Kawasaki Port, I slept in my tent,
and at 08:30 am, on time, I delivered it to the yards of Kiwi Autoliners (Nippon Express)
a Carrier of second hand cars from Japan to Australia, New Zealand, England.
On thursday 16, the motorbike will sail with the Spring Wind V1 towards Brisbane, where it will arrive on December 29th.
There, I will have to attend to many formalities, Australian Customs seem to make very strict controls,
In fact, I spent three days cleaning the bike inside out, we turned it over like a sock! (Me and Paco, the friendly Korean / Japanese guy who is hosting me). I did never clean a bike like this, only with the old F10 I had arrived to disassemble everything (and beyond ...) to clean it...
Now I am going to search for a cheap flight to Australia, then I will go to the land of kangaroos!
This "trick" will not cost me a few: the shipment of the bike is expensive, the Australian Customs Clearance amount unknown (they may require additional inspections at their discretion, very expensive), then there's the plane, then there is to live in Australia, where life is very expensive, thanks to the euro now very low against the Australian dollar ...
And then I have a 3 months VISA "only", a tourist one, so I can not search for a job there (if not a "black" one ...) because the working-holiday VISA is given only up to 30 years, while I am an "old" boy now (not yet, at least for two days more ...)
So, in less than three months the same history will repeat itself: me and the bike will have to find another way, again, because my visa will expire, and the bike is imported with Carnet de Passage, as here in Japan. So I can not discard it, because it's a temporary importation, and how it gets in it must also go out ...In any case I do not want to get rid of my bike after six months of travelling all days together ... But I would not like these finite time horizons (although much more extensive than Central Asian ones)...
Australia is the dream of my life, the land of kangaroos, where I always wanted to go!
Now I'm excited, yes, but also a little afraid: I do not know what awaits me there, it is a huge land, it will not be easy to drive all around there, and it is not really what I want ... I am indeed a bit tired of traveling and having a new bed every night; if I could stop somewhere for a while, maybe with a little work to catch up some money because my finances are now going lower and lower, and recover some energy, it would not be bad... but there are the difficulties mentioned above ...
It would have been nice to reach Australia as much as possible "by land", as Ture and Claudio are doing, that is to go from here to Thailand, Indonesia and then go on as close as possible to Australia by land (from an island to the other ... ). But doing this requires a large amount of energy, which now I really do not have: during all the trip I was very lucky (except of course for the accident happened to Cobra ...), I was lucky in many things (time, almost always beautiful, people I met, who hosted me, etc..) but lasted much longer than expected, and now I'm a bit run out of energy.
Australia is the dream of my life, the land of kangaroos, where I always wanted to go!
Now I'm excited, yes, but also a little afraid: I do not know what awaits me there, it is a huge land, it will not be easy to drive all around there, and it is not really what I want ... I am indeed a bit tired of traveling and having a new bed every night; if I could stop somewhere for a while, maybe with a little work to catch up some money because my finances are now going lower and lower, and recover some energy, it would not be bad... but there are the difficulties mentioned above ...
It would have been nice to reach Australia as much as possible "by land", as Ture and Claudio are doing, that is to go from here to Thailand, Indonesia and then go on as close as possible to Australia by land (from an island to the other ... ). But doing this requires a large amount of energy, which now I really do not have: during all the trip I was very lucky (except of course for the accident happened to Cobra ...), I was lucky in many things (time, almost always beautiful, people I met, who hosted me, etc..) but lasted much longer than expected, and now I'm a bit run out of energy.
Then I am going directly to Australia! Looking for luck!